TabbyPOS Weekly Update 20 SEP 2023

This week, we have achieved a significant milestone by successfully completing all the work on the TabbyPOS Terminal (excluding integration with other chains). Although it hasn’t undergone rigorous and detailed testing yet, we are confident that there won’t be too many issues.

I forgot to prepare the progress image for the other parts of the TabbyPOS project. I will catch up on it next week.

In the next two weeks, we will be pushing hard to catch up on the progress of IoTeX and Solana so that we can secure Milestone1’s grant. These are relatively unfamiliar domains for us, requiring more focused attention.

We regret to inform you that Binance Pay will be removed from our task list as it no longer supports many countries, including Malaysia. This decision was made out of necessity.

Below is the list of chains we are currently targeting for integration. As for Ergo tokens, we will address them in the next round.

Lastly, I promise to Comet Boss that we will uphold our commitments and fulfill the tasks you have entrusted to us.
