This week we completed the Merchant Portal System. We can remove it from the task list now. Although it’s small, it’s fully functional. Merchants can view all sales amounts, export data, and manage Merchant profiles. It temporarily meets the basic requirements of users. This way, we can shift our focus back to TabbyPOS Terminal, where there are a few more challenging details remaining, approximately 5% or so.
We have added a new task, which is the TabbyPOS documentation. Complete documentation is essential for a successful project. In this regard, we have taken reference from Spectrum and adopted the same documentation tool — GitBook. Their documentation is also done exceptionally well, and our team members are working hard to emulate and complete it.
Lately, we have been actively seeking opportunities. Last week, the project manager from $ICP (Internet Computer) took notice of our posts on Twitter and initiated some preliminary discussions on potential collaboration. However, everything is still in the early stages, and we don’t have any concrete good news to share at the moment.