There hasn’t been significant progress in development updates this week. We have been dealing with some mundane coding tasks and optimizing a few interfaces. We plan to complete the Merchant Portal by the middle of next month.
I’d like to take this opportunity to address the matter of “Cross Chain” since I recently came across discussions about TabbyPOS in various communities.
Actually, we can’t really consider ourselves as cross-chain; we are simply adding support for other cryptocurrencies on top of our existing infrastructure. We still stick on ERGO.
Other matters:
We have successfully obtained the Merchant Account for BinancePay. The application process was quite challenging, with hundreds of questions to answer and dozens of documents to submit.
Good news:
AnetaBTC has established a presence in Malaysia, and there is a high likelihood that they will get the cryptocurrency exchange license. Their office is conveniently located near ours, and I have also discussed with their boss several times.
If they indeed receive the license in Q4 2023, it will greatly assist us in handling fiat transactions.
Below is the detailed article on anetaBTC’s Medium: